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music by J S Bach and Johan Ullén.

Christian Svarfvar 

Ever since the premiere at the Royal Chapel in Stockholm, November 2016, ReBach has been living in the back of my head.

It's been looped, twisted, and harmony has been added and taken away. 

We all have favorite moments in works of music, and it is especially true in long classical works. Whether it's the tragic highlight in the song of the Wood-Dove in Schönbergs Gurrelieder or if it's the tenor aria in "E lucevan le stelle" from Puccinis Tosca, we all have them.

Just as beautiful as they are short, these favorite moments run quickly by in the stream of music. What if you could stay, what if you could hang on to that moment and stay a bit longer? This has been the final objective with ReBach.

Thinking what the best step would be to spread this absolutely ravishing music by J S Bach and Johan Ullén. For you who don't know - ReBach is the four J S Bach violin concertos recomposed by the ingenious Swedish composer Johan Ullén. The original score has been reworked and infused with harmonies associated with film music, pop-aesthetic, and minimalism, however, always firmly rooted in Bach. 


Stay tuned about this inspiring project! 

Updated 18 feb, 2020

In January, we made a dream come through. Ullén and recorded the ReBach together with the magnificent London Philharmonic Orchestra in the legendary Abbey Road studio 2. There will also be a film about the project that will be launched together with the album release. (TBA)

Not only did Johan compose this extraordinary work, but he also played the cembalo on the recording.

Yours truly are leading the orchestra as well as playing the solo violin. 

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